Friday, January 31, 2020

Clown World Congress

This isn't a post on the impeachment farce.  This is about something else.

Clown world is officially here.  Some googly eyed oddball in the United States Congress wants people only to hear what she believes.  If this sounds nutty to you, let me provide you with a picture of who I'm talking about.  Look at the eyes, they give the game away:

That's someone calling herself Katherine Anne Castor.  She sent a letter to Google requesting that all Youtube videos disagreeing with her view on Climate Change be removed.  Apparently, the first amendment isn't something to be taken seriously by this member of Congress.

“YouTube has been driving millions of viewers to climate misinformation videos every day, a shocking revelation that runs contrary to Google’s important missions of fighting misinformation and promoting climate action,” wrote Kathy Castor, chair of the committee."

This is why I call today's society, in America anyway, Clown World.  It takes a person of supremely limited intellectual means to ask such a thing.  A 9th grade Civics student would be embarrassed asking this.  He would know that even the class clown in the back would have a field day laughing at the obvious civil rights violations.  Here we have a woman who looks like box wine and pills are heavily consumed, asking a media company to remove videos of people whose opinions she doesn't like.  And she's in congress.  

These are not serious people.  They're not talented, thoughtful, or intelligent.  It seems obvious they're incompetent, shrill, emotionally driven individuals on the take.

I don't take them seriously, and neither should you - on any topic.  Only in Clown World would they be given any credibility at all.  That's why we are where we are.

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