Thursday, January 30, 2020

How They Do It Using Russell Conjugation

This is the best video I've seen on how the Corporate Media is able to sway opinion.  They don't need to alter facts, or conveniently leave things out.  They use what's called "Emotive Conjugation" or "Russell Conjugation".

The emotional connotations that certain phrases have can be tools for those who wish to persuade, or even brainwash:

I am firm. [Positive empathy]
You are obstinate. [Neutral to mildly negative empathy]
He/She/It is pigheaded. [Very negative empathy]

This is how they do it.  As Weinstein shows in the video, calling a leader a 'strongman' has certain feelings associated with it.  Do a mind experiment as simple as replacing 'Dictator' with 'President'.  Even the most oppressive ruler would sound different.

This video is a good example of one that unlocks the secret box of tools the Corporate Media uses to get you to think the way they want you to think.  I have used it with my presentational speaking classes and the students now see how our disgusting and repellent Corporate Media does what it does.

See what I just did?  I chose the adjectives that get you to feel the way I want you to feel.  As people are ruled by their feelings, I can move the needle by ignoring facts, and focusing on feelings.

Break the spell.  We've done it in class. Now it's your turn.

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