Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Academic Fraud in NYC Schools

Headline: FBI probes allegations of ‘deep-rooted’ academic fraud in NYC schools 

I'm not the least bit surprised. You can only fake it so long before you have to make up the numbers.

Here are some of the ingredients in the School Recipe over the last 25 years:

  • Remove rigor from all the subjects.
  • Make the NYS Regents exams easier.
  • Buy into the 'equity' movement, where poor performance = discrimination, and there are no other explanations.
  • Remove any humane policies, replace them with bureaucratic policies.
  • Remove discipline.
  • Remove punishment.
  • Remove the Western Classics.
  • Remove academic standards for incoming teachers.
  • Remove practices that worked, and replace them with fads.
  • Increase bureaucratic / administrative bloat.
  • Focus all subjects on race, class and gender.
  • Adopt a focus on Social Justice.
  • Focus on unimportant things, like social issues, and stop focusing on teaching.
  • Have a 'student centered' classroom.
  • Demand high passing rates.

As we've seen recently under NYC Mayor DiBlah and his crusade against the Specialized High Schools, it's important to reward failure, and attack meritocratic success.  When you have a system that is lazy and corrupt, the concerned parents leave, as they've been doing for the past 2 decades.  Eventually you're left with students who have learned that they can't fail, they don't need any discipline whatsoever, and the teachers will 'make it happen'.

'Social Justice' and 'Equity' are not the reason why there are schools.  Focusing on 'race, class and gender' does not help a student learn Advanced Algebra.  If you follow the list above, and then demand that the passing rates are high, you're going to need corruption to get the numbers you want.  There was already a huge academic fraud scandal in Atlanta.  I'm not the least bit surprised at this at all.

As usual, it is the students who lose.  Their 'education' has been in the hands of SJW bureaucrats, who base all their decisions on how they 'feel', and are obsessed with race.  The young people today are getting shafted.

It's criminal what is going on.

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