Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Matt Taibbi Disembowels Corporate Media

Some of the best people to read today are the honest leftists.  They are few and far between, but they're out there.

Matt Taibbi is a reporter who, frankly, sees the media committing suicide.  Even though he leans left, he still has a good grasp of reality.  This is rare.  Taibbi pinned blame where it belonged after the 2008 mortgage crisis, he was howling at the media during the 2016 Trump campaign, and now he is at it again for the 2020 election cycle.

I get asked often about where to find good sources for news, solid opinions on current affairs, and for people who can write.  Taibbi is perhaps the best analyst of the Corporate media today.

Here are some bits of his latest disemboweling of the Progressive Corporate Media Complex:

"The low point came Saturday, when Joy Reid on MSNBC’s AM Joy show had on a “body language expert” named Janine Driver to declare Sanders a liar, because his posture reminds her of a turtle. There’s not much to say about this except it’s the same combo of junk forensics and yellow journalism that Bill O’Reilly made infamous."


"But they couldn’t help themselves, declaring every word out of his mouth a Satanic lie. This made the occasional things that he said that were true, like that Jeb Bush was a puppet for corporate donors or NATO was a bloated and outdated organization, pack significantly more punch.

The transparent full-of-shitness of the corporate press reaction to Trump was probably the leading argument for his credibility."

I enjoy not only Taibbi's dedication to reality, but is ability to turn a phrase.  I recommend his columns, even with his liberal political leanings.

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