Tuesday, February 4, 2020

G.E.D. Report #43 - The Sinful Crime of Social Promotion

In what was not only a bad, but a telling experience, I discuss a case of social promotion that has gone horribly wrong. In helping move along a young adult with few skills, the School System is doing more harm than good. Rather than do it the olden days way, which we are told was 'bad', we do the nice thing, and move people along when they don't deserve it. This is worse, and this case explains why.


Who am I? Teacher for hire. ACT/SAT English and Writing. For the past 20 years I have been getting student writing up to (and above) par - mostly for college acceptance. Lately, I and my small team have been doing educational tours. We've had small groups go to countries in South America: Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, and we are branching out into Spain as well. Come with us! If not you, who? If not now, when? 

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