Friday, May 27, 2022

Single Woman STOPS Cancer RESEARCH

One of the tags on this blog is "clown world".  This is why:

Apparently, David Sabatini is the best cancer researcher in the world.  No matter.  Some white liberal female had a relationship with him.  The relationship ended in what looks like the natural way many relationships end.  The woman even had other relationships on her own - it was all very adult.

Then "the chip" activated:

"In October 2020, Knouse texted her friends that she was “unpack[ing] a ton of suppressed abuse and trauma from an obvious local source”—an apparent reference to Sabatini. Knouse’s fellowship at the Whitehead was ending, and she didn’t apply for any faculty jobs there. When the new director, Ruth Lehmann, called Knouse to ask why, Knouse complained for the first time of being “harassed.”

In November, Knouse warned her friend—an incoming Whitehead fellow—to “squeeze out as much advice as possible before your mentor is Weinstein’ed out of science.”

In December, at Lehmann’s behest, the consulting firm Jones Diversity sent the Whitehead employees a survey “based in part on Dr. Knouse’s false complaint about Dr. Sabatini,” according to a complaint later brought by Sabatini. All participants were anonymous. Five or so of the nearly 40 employees in Sabatini’s lab took part.

The next month, two former Sabatini lab members lodged complaints to H.R.—the first complaints against him in his 24-year tenure—about “bro culture” in the lab.

This prompted the Whitehead to hire the law firm Hinckley, Allen & Snyder to conduct an investigation on “gender bias and/or inequities and a retaliatory leadership in the Sabatini lab.” The Whitehead never told Sabatini what he was accused of. Former lab members told me their co-workers were sobbing when they came out of meetings with the lawyers, saying that the lawyers had put words in their mouths. “They had a very strong agenda,” one of them told me.

In retrospect, it was already over for this once-in-a-generation scientist."

I recommend you read the whole thing, as you'll realize that solipsism is real.  This woman, years after the fact, realized that she could take down a smart and respected man at the top of his academic field.  All she had to do was say she was 'harassed' and she could "Weinstein'ed" the guy "out of science".

Not only did she get him fired, her 'story' got NYU Medical to not hire the guy.  There was no discrimination.  There was no due process.  There was a consensual relationship.  But everyone, for some reason, is afraid of harpy woman and the fact that she's sad.  Her ridiculous, middle school story was taken seriously and so the top ovarian cancer research scientist is now on unemployment.

This is happening at the NYU / Ivy League level all the time.

And you wonder why I use the term "clown world".

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