Tuesday, May 24, 2022

"Along for the Pride" - Bill Maher Leaves the RESERVATION

 This was an assignment I gave to my seniors.  We are analyzing Logic and Rhetoric.


Bill Maher is a late night comedy / current affairs talk show host. He prides himself on being politically incorrect. For many years he was politically correct and boring.

Something has changed.

In this video clip he questions the maniacal devotion to the 'trans' phenomenon, questioning its veracity and its origins. He does the unthinkable, and mentions Abigail Shrier's fantastic and brave book, Irreversible Damage.  This is not a politically correct move among liberals and progressives. It also isn't a good move for anyone at the university, or in the political / ruling class. On much of social media, you are not allowed to criticize these people. "What are you, some kind of bigot? A transphobe?"

Maher doesn't seem to care. It's the comedian's job to state uncomfortable truths. It can be dangerous in today's world, with cancelling and firing people who don't conform. In this 9 minute clip, Maher lands some punches.
  • What were 3 or 4 of the hardest hitting 'points' in your opinion? Explain them and discuss why they worked - what was the rhetoric (logic?) or wordplay that worked?


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