Thursday, May 19, 2022


While you're getting whipped into a frenzy about how many ways you can detest Russia! and Putin!, the Russians seem to be doing fine.  Even though the NeoLiberal World Rules Based New Order (do I have that right?) has put sanctions on Russia, Russia seems to be surviving.

Why?  How?  Witness:

In other words, Russia hasn't been buying into the NeoLiberal Globalist nonsense, and has set itself up for economic and energy independence.  
  • Russia has been buying gold for years.
  • Russia produces and refines oil. It sells only the oil it doesn't need.
  • Russia mines and processes Uranium.
  • Russia has a balanced budget.
  • Russia was fearless: 'if you sanction us, you'd better be prepared to buy our oil in rubles.'
"Putin's demand for buyers of Russian gas to pay in rubles was a masterstroke. After initial resistance, western gas buyers are increasingly toeing the line, with one of Germany's largest natural gas importers, VNG, recently opening an account with Gazprombank for payments for Russian gas under Moscow's terms.

According to Maria Demertzis, deputy director at Bruegel, a Brussels-based economics think tank, EU payments for Russian pipeline gas have been playing a big role in propping up the currency.

For all the tough talk about abandoning Russian energy commodities, Russia is still managing to sell a good amount of its oil and gas, thanks to the fact that some of the world's biggest commodity traders have little compunction against financing Putin's war machine.

Indeed, Oleg Ustenko, economic adviser to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, has written to the four companies demanding that they stop trading Russian hydrocarbons immediately since export revenues are funding Moscow's purchase of weapons and missiles.

According to ship tracking and port data, Switzerland's Vitol, Glencore, and Gunvor as well as Singapore's Trafigura, have all continued to lift large volumes of Russian crude and products, including diesel."

Basically, the Russians haven't been playing the stupid Globalist game, because they not only don't want to ruin their own country, they also can see how globalism hollowed out These United States over the past 30 years.

So now the USA and Western Europe, areas that are soft, stupid, ineffective, weak, unproductive and clownish, are supposed to fight Russia.  How?  By putting the Ukrainian flag in the bio?  By railing against cishet normative colonialism?  By wearing a pussyhat and calling Trump a nazi?  Somebody help me out here please.

Putin understands that without energy, there is no life.  Energy is life.  While Americans and European citizens and politicians were weeping with joy watching Greta reprimand them about Global Warming, Putin (and China and India for that matter) was stockpiling the things you need to live at the first world level.

In summary, will the Ukrainian flag in the bio, or the "I stand with Ukraine" lawn sign have any meaning when you flip the switch ... and the lights don't go on?

Think about that.  We have shortages, inflation,  and supply chain disruptions.

They are having barely any effect on Russia.

So why are we doing it again?  Why are we at war with Russia?  

No one seems to ask these questions. But the virtue signaling and rhetoric are at a fever pitch.  That has to count for something. Right?

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