Friday, May 20, 2022

Betsy DeVos SPEAKS

When Betsy DeVos was the Secretary of Education, I worked with people who hated her.  They didn't have any reasons for hating her, she was just connected to the Trump administration.  That was it.  One colleague was under the impression that she wanted to dismantle all schools, and have only religious  private or religious charter schools.  Naturally, that was Fake News, but you know how Boobus Americanus behaves in the wild.  It believes everything it sees on FakeBook posted by Now This! or CNN.

In case you thought Trump derangement syndrome was fake, I can attest that it was very real.

DeVos has just come out with her book.  She is pushing for the things she's always pushed for.  She is for parents, students, and all families to have school choice.  This includes homeschooling.  She promotes the sensible idea that the dollars that the student represents 'travels' with the student.  This makes sense.  Families will send students and the student's dollars to the school that is getting the best results. If you're on public assistance for food, do you have to spend the money only in one place?  Do you have to spend your gov't money at Key Food - or can you go where you want?  None of the government programs force you to spend your dollars at a certain place. Only school tax dollars do this.  

Naturally, the School Industrial Complex went bananas when DeVos came in.  Her ideas are anathema to the School Establishment.  If the school bureaucracies were held accountable, they would implode.  The amount of waste and fraud is off the charts.  The lack of independent thinking is incredible.  Because the Novel Coronavirus Era showed us that we can use laptops and Zoom to "learn", teachers are now putting the material on Google Classroom, and watching students 'do the work'.  

There is even less learning going on, however improbable that sounds.

DeVos makes her case well.  She was interviewed by Jason Whitlock on his show, and it's worth your time, particularly if you're an educator who sees the School Scam for what it is, or if you're a disgruntled parent.

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