Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Woman Confronts World POWER

It's great to see Alice Walker remain so calm.

Walker was supposed to be one of the honored speakers at the Bay Area Book festival.  She got disinvited because - you can't make this up - she's friends with David Icke.

If you've read Icke's work, or listened to his talks (I've done both) you'll see that he asks great questions about where the Narratives that Control us come from.  That's about it.

Icke must get close to the truth because the Top of the Pyramid calls him all kinds of names, all the pejoratives that get the Normies angry.  The two they use the most on Icke are 'conspiracy theorist' and 'anti-semite'.  This one / two combo has enabled the powers that be to 'cancel' Icke long ago.

Walker, who has always been fiercely independent and outspoken, refuses to bend the knee and terminate her friendship with Icke.

For this, the Book Festival disinvited Walker.  Chris Hedges is all over it:

Don't forget, these are the Liberal Tolerant Progressive Democrat Bay Area 'good' people.  These are the people who are always telling everyone else how to be anti-racist, what medicine to take, to allow all immigrants, to be kind to the African American community.  In other words, they are the ridiculous cloddish charlatans who really have no beliefs, as they are quick to grovel before power, and scared to take a stand.  The modern 'progressive' is truly detestable as we will see with the excuse used to disinvite Walker:

Instead of asking Alice Walker about any of this, they used her name to get the attention of the Bay Area rabble, then took her invite away.  Icke brings up topics that make those in power uncomfortable, and calls out hypocrisy, so anyone associated with him must be bad.  Even Walker, a standard bearer in the progressive stack of multiculturalism, intersectionality, and diversity, can't be allowed to flourish.

The Bay Area Book Festival: sad, weak, pathetic, and useless.  


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