Thursday, April 28, 2022

Elon Will Not Save You

Elon Musk buying Twitter is the new Big Thing.  It isn't the 'current thing', that title still belongs to Ukraine.  Putting the flag in your bio and pledging fealty to the good and wonderful democratic people of Ukraine is still the mandated online pose.

But the Musk / Twitter story is an interesting one.  The Narrative is already out there that Musk will 'bring back free speech', or 'turn Twitter back to the way it was' or 'Elon will save internet open discourse'.

It's all just the manufactured Narrative.  Musk isn't going to 'save' anything.  As you should know by now, someone that high up in the hierarchy is what's called a "Ticket Taker".  Musk has sold out whatever normal, regular smart guy DNA he had for a ticket to The Global Stage.

All of what you hear about Musk being one of the 'good guys' is fake.  This is from December 2021:

The rumblings of the Tesla financial mess have been out there for a while.  They're documented in the linked article, which I recommend.

The key passage by Concorda is this.  He nails it right here (underlined emphasis mine):

"How does a man who harasses whistleblowers, abuses most laws, rules, and regulations, supposedly has employees spied on, and advocates for a greener future while creating a huge carbon footprint become the most prominent, richest person on the planet? This is a question we’ll ask ourselves when the Musk bubble bursts, but the reality is we already know the answer.

Capitalism has morphed into extreme corporatism, modern-day democracy has become a plutocracy, and money has lost all meaning. This rise of plutocratic corporatism paired with ultra-cheap monetary conditions has created a breeding ground for bad actors and sociopaths to ascend to stardom.

Two types of people exist in the world today: manipulators and the manipulated. We all notice this at some point. We either resist the urge to become a sociopath or embrace it, rising through the ranks of the sociopathic power hierarchy. How far we climb up the ladder depends on our ability to outdo the competition. The higher we get, the harder it gets. Normal, compassionate people don’t go far. Some good eggs reach the upper echelons by accident. But at the top of the pyramid, that’s where we find the experts of perception management.

At the apex, you’ll find Elon Musk. He’s built his wealth, power, and fame by mastering manipulation and forming powerful narratives, creating the ultimate “dream factory” that appeals to both insiders in the U.S. establishment and the outside masses. He’s convinced society to fund a massive futuristic orgy, which grows based on making ever more bizarre promises that never come true."

Musk pushes the Globalist Agenda.  He's one of them.  To think he's riding in on the white horse to save the day, to rescue Twitter from the SJW morons who've destroyed it, is pure folly.

Enjoy the show from afar.  Apparently, Musk's role is to be the Globalist Narrative Court Jester, poking fun at the other Ticket Takers and getting millions of rabble to bite on the fake.  Witness:

This is epic trollery.  Musk dropped the mother lode of edgelord memetastic detritus right on Gates' lap.

I have to admit, his troll game is tight. Enjoy the show.

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