Monday, April 11, 2022

Incompetence or PLAN?

One of the raging debates sweeping the nation is: "are our 'leaders' incompetent or are they managing a collapse?"

I think it's 15% incompetence, 85% planned.

As the greatest Conspiracy Theorist of all time noted, 'behind every ruler is the Priesthood.'

The current energy crisis lends credibility to this thesis.  If you starve the hydrocarbon industry  of funds, they can't explore or produce.  You pinch off exploration, you're going to get fewer barrels of oil, less natural gas, less diesel, less coal, and you get a shortage.  This isn't complicated.

Adding to that, you yell at the world about 'global warming' - er - 'climate change', and you broadcast your message through this paragon of engineering, intellectual elite Scandinavian person:

Is Greta a scientists of any sort?  Remember, if you slightly questioned any of the Progressive maxims over the past few years (global warming, BUG19, vaxx efficacy, HIV => AIDS), you were instantly explained away as 'not a scientist' or Karen screamed at you to 'follow the science!'.  But in this case, we're supposed to take 'Greta' seriously because ... why?  Every once in a while I ask some Progressive Follower of The Current Thing why Greta gets a pass on the "not a scientist" paradigm.  It's great fun watching the physical and intellectual contortions.  I recommend it.

By the way, $5 trillion is an excellent grift.  Someone made a ton of money.  I didn't. So there's the money angle.

Irina Slav is wondering about the incompetence part of these obviously ridiculous and stupid decisions when it comes to energy:

The 'renewable energy' move is physics-ally impossible.  As in, the laws of physics prevent it.  Yet, the EC Green Deal president is tripling down on wind power.  Looks like an incompetent bit of decision making to Ms. Slav, an authority on energy.  Perhaps she's right.  It opens up good questions.

Where is the concrete coming from?  Where is the steel coming from? Where is the aluminum and copper wire coming from?  Who is making the non-recyclable plastic blades' and in which landfill will they go?  

Steel and concrete production are the two largest contributors to carbon emissions in the world.  And these are the people who are constantly talking about Climate Change while traveling in private jets and making decisions like these?

So you've disrupted supply chains, caused runaway inflation, which have lead to food shortages and riots in: Sri Lanka, Peru, and China ... and the answer is to build more windmills?

That isn't incompetence.

Especially, when you temporarily have the largest windmill producer do this:

Yes, COAL.

In other words, the dirtiest fuel in the world will hold it down until we can do what should be a decades long energy transition, in 8 years.

Lets's leave out the fact that all the previous energy transitions have happened organically, because of Energy Return over Energy Invested ratios that worked.  None of them happened by government fiat.

This one won't happen either - not without incredible levels of hunger, inflation, and riots.

Apparently, more pain is required.  Whatever pain is happening now isn't enough.  And it doesn't look like 'incompetence' to me - a broken down English teacher in the bad neighborhood who is so far away from the Top of the Pyramid it isn't even funny.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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