Sunday, April 10, 2022

Gary North

It was in the Fall of 2010 and my libertarian phase was just beginning.

I don't remember how I got wind of Gary North's work, but I remember reading his articles, probably on Lew Rockwell's site first, then on

What I found on his site, and in his writing, was an abundance of economics, history, and politics.  He'd been on Ron Paul's staff in the 1970's as the chief economist.  As an early stage libertarian, that was the credential of all credentials.  

North wrote 4 articles a day (!), and they were all interesting to me.  Each one, particularly the ones on American History and Austrian Economics, was a deep dive into the topic.  There was no fluff.  His writing style was great: short, terse sentences that wasted no words.  Declarative sentences that spoke of things other sites would call 'conspiracy theory'.  Economic ideas that other sites wouldn't touch, as they were free market based and ruined the economics of the Regime / University.

North's site was the site where there were many firsts for me.  He was the first person I read who spoke of revisionist history / conspiracy in plain terms.  Remember how the Gulf of Tonkin was relegated to conspiracy kook world until around 10 years ago?  North had been talking about it for decades.  Many things that are now grudgingly accepted in the main, like FDR pushing for, and causing WWII by his treatment of Japan, were written about by North since the late 1960's.  Who was this old guy writing this stuff on this Web 1.0 site, in this volume, with this huge subscriber base?

Then I became a subscriber.  North's site was the first site I paid to read.  I had never even considered such a thing before.  His site set the tone.  Now, with substack going full blast, paywalls the norm, and subscriptions services galore, North looks even more prophetic.  Back then I would wake up before everyone else in the apartment, fire up my HP desktop PC, and go to

There was something else that caused a major internal change.  North was a devout and unabashed God Fearing Christian.  Over the years, most of the smart, based, thoughtful, fearless, and honest people I read are all religious.  The last few years I have noticed this pattern emerge.  North was the first.  The early stage of my spiritual journey began concurrently by Dr. North casually mentioning that the most important thing was ones service to God.

As a NYC liberal, this was a paradigm shift to say the least.

The first big changes in my head and heart are owed to this man.  

Gary North died on February 24th, 2022.  Being who he was, independent to the end, when he got cancer he followed the Gerson Therapy rather than run into the arms of Big Medical and their corrupt embrace.  He documented this holistic journey for years.

There is a fantastic written eulogy here.

For me, this is the key section:

Here is a sample lecture.  Do as you say you will do.  Do it on time. Do it at or under budget.

Go thou and do likewise.

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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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