Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Whataboutism Strikes AGAIN

Of all the dumb ideas that the cloddish and inept twitterati have embraced, "whataboutitsm" is the dumbest.

What it means is that you're not allowed to point out double standards or hypocrisy by the Favored Peoples. They can point out inconsistencies all they want - but you can't. 

Because Russia is going right up to the Promethean's face and giving it the middle finger, you're not allowed to point out any other act of aggression, you're only allowed to hate Russia and denounce Russian actions.

The purple haired liberal arts majors who run YouTube have come up with this in order to control The Narrative:

The third one is my personal favorite.  It's an obvious power grab. "Graphic content" is particularly funny as you can find all kinds of filth on YouTube - just not the kind they don't like.

They weren't done:

The Regime is attempting to see to it that their opinion and their worldview is the only one that gets out.  It works with the small minded NPC.  When people point out that not only is this Russian incursion into Ukraine logical on Russia's part, but it's been warned against for years; the ill-informed ignorant arrogant twitter American has been trained to scream "whataboutism!!".

Freddie deBoer was on the receiving end of the whataboutism stupidity the other day.  He's been asking some basic questions.  

deBoer is wondering the same thing I'm wondering.  If the US is violently gallivanting around the world, destroying everything in its path ... is it somehow different?

deBoer blasted this out, and the whataboutism NPC's came at him so hard he turned off the comments, and suggested that people unsubscribe themselves from his substack:

I have to give the Regime credit. To train a Pavlovian response of shouting a nonsense word like 'whataboutism' from people who used to scream about war and the corporate profits that go along with it is incredible.  I'm impressed.

We are in an inverted clown world.  Ignore the whataboutists and their inane stupidity.  For fun, ask them if the USA, or anyone for that matter, sanctioned Saudi Arabia after 911.  If not, why not?

Enjoy the screeching. 

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