Monday, March 14, 2022

Orwell Has Been RIGHT All Along

In his latest column, Matt Taibbi writes that Orwell was right. Taibbi is a little late, but he's right nontheless:

Taibbi gives a smooth rundown of some of the most obvious and cloddish examples of doublethink:

"Moral panics erase memories. It’s their primary function. 9/11 wiped the national hard drive of everything from the third degree to My Lai to Operations Phoenix and Condor to the Church Committee to the School of the Americas to countless other shameful episodes, and the lessons learned from them. The Trump-Russia scandal blotted out Snowden, made the spooks the good guys again. 2016 rehabilitated neoconservatives, now reinvented as never-Trumpers, cleaning away the shame of Iraq, Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan, etc.

The “misinformation” panic wiped out the WMD fiasco, restoring honor to credentialed press. The DNC leak erased “Collateral Murder.” After George Floyd we hated cops, after January 6th we loved them. Ukraine now is openly being sold as a blue-pill cure for everything that went wrong during the War on Terror, including the recent defeat in Afghanistan. “Realism” is in disgrace, and “leadership,” “regime change,” and the “universal appeal of freedom” are back, only this time their primary backers are the upper-class cosmopolitan Democrats who marched against the simplistic “freedom against evil” plot neoconservatives tried to sell them twenty years ago."

Always able to get the perfect turn of phrase, Taibbi calls it the "Church of Forgetting".  Taibbi is playing the role of Syme in this drama by being able to molecularly distill the principles of Newspeak. The only difference is that Taibbi isn't working for Big Brother.

Neither is Glenn Greenwald.  He tossed this out there on Twitter. Taibbi placed is dead center in his column.  

It's only a matter of time before GG is banned for life:

If you want a front row seat at the zoo in order to watch Boobus Americanus, look at the replies to Greenwald that manage to find the most minor distinctions and then justify the bombing of Libya.  It's astounding.

It isn't all hopeless, however.  Remember, fear is the disease.  Fear is a sickness. They WANT you to despair.  That's the part that's always baked into the cake by the people who run the Ministry of Truth.  As someone who has read 1984 at least twice, I responded to Taibbi:

""Hope lies with the Proles."

Here in the black neighborhood, there was a huge amount of "vax hesitancy"; you're allowed to say whatever you want about Russia / Ukraine, and HS English teachers can cover both sides of the story without fear.

Why? Because the entire area has been written off by the repellent and disgusting Laptop Class. African Americans are used as foot soldiers and cudgels when necessary and then disposed of in times like this. The New Yorker dusted off Cornel West because their average reader's age is probably 71. No one on twitter is seeking West's opinion.

When you operate among the Proles, there is a certain freedom; an odd ability to move around with impunity that reminds me of what These United States used to be like. In the blizzard of digital information, there are many Symes walking around as well. This is one of the main differences between the novel and IRL.

It's 2 years to the day that the plandemic began. It's already been thrown down the memory hole even though "cases" are higher and overrated NWO shill Obama just announced loudly that he has Covid and we should "all get vaccinated". That asinine statement alone pins your point perfectly Mr. Taibbi. I'll bring this all up at work today, fearlessly.

Remember, hope lies with the Proles."

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