Friday, January 14, 2022

The Laptop Class; The Powder Puff CLASS

The sound you hear isn't the BUG19 JUICE sloshing around, it's the money moving upward:

Taibbi has the best antennae tuned to the antics of the hyper moneyed class.

It isn't that difficult to see, but when your brain has been addled by STUPID19, even things right in front of your face become invisible. Taibbi sees it clearly:

"The spectacle of posh celebs sneering at hicks who won’t take the jab has been compelling theater for a while now, especially since the smartypants act has often come packaged in outrageous errors. Whether it’s MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid suggesting horse paste eaters clogging emergency rooms in Oklahoma be stuck at the back of the line for leaving “gunshot victims” untreated (there were no gunshot victims, the story turned out to be bunk), or Goldman analyst-turned-CNN-anchor Erin Burnett joining imperious colleagues Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Bakari Sellers, Jim Acosta, and industry mascot Brian Stelter in blasting Joe Rogan for taking a drug “intended for livestock” (Rogan’s human ivermectin dose was prescribed by a doctor), or even Joe Biden announcing he was mandating vaccines for health care workers so you can have “certainty” they can’t “spread it to you” (they can still spread it to you), the endless campaign of maladroit scolding almost seems designed to make fence-sitters refuse the shot out of spite, confusion, or both."

As a fence sitter, I am neither spiteful, nor confused.  I commented with this:

Apparently, I'm not the only one - here is the brilliant comment that had the "Powder Puff Class" attached:

"I used to be very angry at anti-vaxxers, but then I talked to some actual human beings (not Barbies) who are anti-vaxxers and I now have empathy for their position (funny how hard it is to maintain ugly stereotypes when you're face to face with a fellow human being).

Perhaps I find it easy to relate to anti-vaxxers, despite having been double vaxxed and boosted, because I refuse to get a colonoscopy. I do not believe the colonoscopy procedure is safe, nor do I believe it is worth the risk to my health/life.

For this refusal, I have been shamed repeatedly, told it will be my own fault if I die from colon cancer, and that I will be burdening the medical system if I fail to identify the cancer at an easily treatable stage.

My body/my choice only seems to apply if you want to get an abortion or become a porn star.

What also pisses me off about the Covid hysteria is that I am a homeless peer advocate, and no one has given a shit about all the medieval diseases that our homeless neighbors have been suffering from for years: tuberculosis, Typhus, flesh eating bacteria, shigella, trench fever, pneumonia, and untreated HIV, cancer, Hep A, even LEPROSY (very rare, but I've seen it).

Those infectious diseases among "the least of us" didn't make headlines, but COVID, which is far less likely to kill anyone, is suddenly THE WORST DISEASE IN THE WORLD!

So much of this crap is about the fatal separation between the powder puff classes and the rest of us.

Thank You for bringing attention to the real threat to our lives and our democracy: the vicious greed of the corporate class."

Simply wonderful.  Jay Bhattacharya, one of the top virologists / epidemiologists in the world, called them the Laptop Class - able and willing to work from home while The Rabble had to do the Doordash and Uber Eats deliveries.

Both terms are excellent.  Use them both.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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