Friday, January 14, 2022


This lengthy comment was under the Taibbi article mentioned in my last post.  I'm always wary of articles and media outlets that have removed comment sections.  One of the reason Substack will continue on successfully is that the comments sections are robust - reminiscent of 6 or 7 years ago when you sometimes got better information and links from the comments. 

This is one of those times:

"Hi. I'm one of the heterotypic anti-S-protein-vaxxers that you blessedly acknowledge, and I would like to try making my case again. I am not an ill-informed crank, and I have scientific references for each of my points. At this time, the most prestigious medical school in America is trying to draw me out of retirement but they don't think they can afford it. They can as long as I'm not forced to walk the party line, and I have made that clear.

I'm very much a fan of sterilizing vaccines. I am terrified of leaky vaccines and those that carry inherent risk. The dedicated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines fall into both latter categories.

First, let's talk about the leaky aspects. We have long known that leaky vaccines can be dangerous in specific circumstance: when they prevent severe disease better than they prevent infection. I cite here a paper from 2016, more sober times in the scientific community, entitled "The Need for Evolutionarily Rational Disease Interventions: Vaccination Can Select for Higher Virulence". This is actually relatively accessible to the hobby scientist.

I could quote at length from it, but the article is written better than any abstract I could compile. The TLDR is that imperfect vaccines actually promote the evolution of more deadly virus strains in certain circumstances. We do not observe this with the flu vaccine because it is better at preventing infection than reducing its severity. The SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are the obverse. We would have been very wise to heed the warnings of evolutionary biology which were plainly writ and understood well before 2000. It is worth your time.

The second issue is the inherent pathogenicity of the S protein, and this is common both to being infected and to vaccination. Much of it is well known; less well known is that it disrupts DNA repair upon co-localization with the nucleus, and that at least BNT162b2 weakens the innate immune system's response to viruses and bacteria through trained immunity. These are not as accessible to non-specialists.

There are of course the clotting, myocarditis and pericarditis, and other issues, but I'll set them aside for now.

Putting these two aspects of the vaccine together make it, in my eyes, medically indefensible to mass administer it to the population. I find it hard to believe that the authorities are not aware of the evolutionary pressure they are placing on the virus. My only plausible explanations are "stop-gap until we find something more conserved", which presumes we actually accomplish that in relatively short order and "path that leads to dark thoughts", upon which I will not elaborate.

I remember a time not so long ago when the hysteric anti-vaxxers who ignored science were largely those urban denizens, who were fooled by the idiocy of Andrew Wakefield and feared that vaccination was causing the uptick in autism rates. It strikes awe, in the same sense of Darth Cheney receiving widespread acclaim for saving our government, that these anti-vaxxers are now browbeating actual legitimate scientific dispute: there is no room for contrary opinion that is very well-sourced.

I would have been perfectly comfortable with targeted vaccination of at-risk populations. Instead, we have possibly recapitulated the setting necessary for the development of Marek's disease, homo sapiens version.

Note that while Omicron(BA.1; BA.2 seems possibly different) was far less deadly in regions that acquired immunity mostly through infection with relatively heterologous strains(e.g. Beta, others unsequenced in a neglected part of the world), it is proving more deadly in regions that acquired immunity mostly through vaccination. That smells of original antigenic sin and something akin to Dengue Fever vaccination against a specific serotype.

Relative death rates:


Also totally overlooked is long COVID, which to the virus would be the ultimately desired disease state, the greatest viral threat to humanity at present. It will seek the longest residency time in tissue that it can achieve and the longest infection window possible, each of which is enabled by leaky vaccines. It means not killing your host, but crippling them beyond the point at which life is worth living is totally cool.

We have collectively checked into the Hotel California of vaccines, and it will eventually be medically, not politically, mandatory to be vaccinated specifically against SARS-CoV-2, a far worse end state than we could have otherwise achieved with endemicity, should leaky vaccine theory and evolution play out as the math indicates. These repeated vaccinations will inevitably damage health through the inherent pathogenicity of the S protein.

So, do we just throw up our hands in the air? No. We use monoclonal antibodies selectively for at-risk people, vaccinate particularly at-risk individuals, and use cross-neutralizing vaccines and antibodies in others. IPV has gotten the farthest in clinical trials, and it targets a much more conserved part of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. So conserved that these antibodies cross-react with the phylogenetically very distant poliovirus.

MMR, Tdap, and BCG hold further promise, but remain far less investigated. I'm impressed IPV has made it this far given the lack of profit potential: indeed, its study had to be funded by a private donor and performed by Johns Hopkins and others. The NIH wouldn't go near it, which again leads my thoughts to darker places than I'd like.

An excellent journal article on the need for evolutionarily rational intervention is now but a dusty tome on my shelf with a few new wrinkles born from tears.

See what I mean? This is one of 762 comments.  

I can hear it already. "Hey, this is just some rando comment - we need to hear from our EXPERTS!!"

Take your 'experts' and go somewhere fool:


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