Friday, January 7, 2022


They're trying to scrub "Guinea Pig Kids" - place it in the memory hole.  Fauci's fingerprints are all over this horror story. Because The Narrative is the most important thing, they are not only not reporting his role in the horrific Beagle experiments, they're reaching back and trying to scrub this story.  It was mentioned by RFK Jr. in his interview with Tom Woods.

They haven't memory holed everything - yet:

In case you're wondering, this is how Progressive Democrats used to act.  They sniffed out corruption within organized power, and with tripwire sensitivity, did excellent news articles and documentaries on the topic.

Now that they've been converged and usurped, they simply parrot the Party Line.  Ironically, it's the Corporate Party Line when it comes to the BUG19 Experimental Gene Therapy.

It's amazing how things have changed.

Here's another page that hasn't been scrubbed.  The BBC, back in the days before it became a shameless shill for Organized Globo Capitalism, went after the story with a vengeance:

There are two things to notice here.  The first one is that if this story were to be released today, the Corporate Media would spike it immediately.  The fact that Fauci's fingerprints are all over this is why the current repellent Corporate Media would make this terrible story vanish.  RFK Jr. mentioned "Guinea Pig Kids" tangentially, and it's mentioned in his book.

Jaime Doran, the brave creator of the documentary hasn't had his wikipedia page scrubbed - yet.

From the wiki page:
Guinea Pig Kids (2004)

Shown on BBC2, this programme exposed how anti-HIV drugs were tested on "vulnerable and poor children at a New York care home ... who had no choice in whether or not to take part in trials and no proper advocates to speak on their behalf".[56] Describing HIV medicines given to the children as "futile" and "dangerous", the programme also demonstrated how children had been taken from their families to enable the "experimental" drug treatment to continue.[56] Despite critics' charges that the programme was "lurid, untrue" and contained "dangerous lies" a BBC investigation did not uphold these complaints.

These are the same monsters from the CDC, ACS, and the NIH who are administering the current round of experimental gene therapy.  Bug Juice is doing things to people, and the Corporate Media, led by the Coronachan wing of the 'Left', is seeing to it that the Guinea Pig experiments continue.

Here is one of the side effects of using people as Guinea Pigs:

Here is the documentary. Naturally, you can't find it on YouTube. You have to go to an alternate site: 

The children are buried at Gate of Heaven cemetery, in Hawthorne.

At this stage, you have to wonder what it will take to expose these monsters.  The sacred old cow running this disgusting and horrific operation is getting protection from the Corporate Press.  A man who is responsible for this is in front of the CNN / MSNBC / ABC cameras all the time.  

How much more will people take before they rebel?


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