Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Bad Cat Begins to SEE

I used to follow El Gato Malo on Twitter.  He (it?) has a Substack page now.  As based as el gato was, it looks like the person with the bad cattitude  has taken as least one red pill:

It's a good article, and I recommend it and gato's substack page.  I'm a subscriber.  However, gato Malo falls for the old: 'it can't be a conspiracy, they're taking advantage of a situation, and no one could be that reckless or amoral to stupid'.

This is a mistake.  

The reason why the ridiculous and clownish Conservative Inc. movement never wins anything, is that they  have, for 40 years, told conservatives on the radio that "those libs are so stupid".  I remember, upon waking up, thinking that if the 'libs' are so stupid, why do they always win?  Then Ann Coulter shredded Conservative Inc. by noting that conservatives weren't even able to conserve the girls bathroom.  Boom.  You could see the flames for miles.

Here is Gato's mistake:

"there are an AWFUL lot of coincidences here.

let’s be clear: i do not for a moment believe this virus was deliberately released to sell vaccines and take over the world.

no one is that stupid, reckless, and amoral. (no, not even these guys)"

This is insufferably naive, and I was surprised to see gato write it.

My comment was this:

"One of the reasons why Americans are in a country that has only around 10 years to go is that they seem to think that the people at the top simply can't be "amoral". They are. They aren't stupid, or reckless, or cloddish - they're hyper smart, determined, and they feel they know more and should rule over the proles. We are the Proles.

The "conspiracy theorists" of the olden days, in their books, told everyone they could that the people going for a one world gov't simply could not have a large, powerful, independent thinking nationalist country in the way of their one world gov't dreams.

Then, if you mention to a garden variety vegetable American that during the BUG19 era the money has flowed up, small businesses are closed, 9 new Pharma billionaires, AMZN and other conglomerates have record profits, and they're moving heaven and earth to get you jabbed with whatever is in that needle..... and the "Freedom Loving American" will scream that you're a Conspiracy Theorist!

Divide and Conquer. The people at the top, when they were in their private boarding schools, read Caesar's "The Gallic Wars". You didn't in your school. Everyone knows that reading 'dead white men' is racist.

There's a method to their madness. I'm not sure there's a method to ours."

They're not stupid.  Someone in the comments mentioned that sometimes there are 'coincidences.  No, it isn't that either.  These are smart, devious, amoral and evil people, and they don't care about you at all.  Their minions in the corporate press are pushing their agenda 24/7/365.  

I suggest you don't listen to them, and realize that whatever the 'official story' is, it either isn't that, or it's the opposite.   They are on the march.  I suggest you get out of the way.  Once you're no longer afraid of being called a conspiracy theorist (this might be gato's fear), this becomes much easier.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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