Friday, June 11, 2021


The Apes at r/wallstreetbet and r/superstonk are at it again.  Even with the Establishment infiltrating the commentary at wallstreetbets the Apes are together strong ... alone weak.

Matt Taibbi has written a great overview of the reddit of the Apes, and I recommend it.

There is also a documentary on the Gamestop / AMC / STONK phenomenon going on.  Because they don't teach leverage in regular school, only at the top boarding schools, when Apes learn "together strong", the Top of the Pyramid really hates it.

There is a documentary coming out about the rabble figuring out how to game the system.  While the Masters of the Universe have algorithms and flash trades, as well as insider information and powerful computers, the Apes have sticks, clubs, and hands.

Somehow they've made it work.

I like the stonk.


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