Thursday, June 10, 2021

"Libertarian" Tries to Cancel Woods. I Wrote THIS

From Tom Woods' newsletter:

"In Nevada there had been total silence about the lockdowns. Not one word. The state party did have time to criticize Ron Paul, whose shoes they are not fit to shine, and accuse everyone under the sun of "bigotry." They somehow managed to pencil that into their busy schedules.

I have seen my critics call AOC, in these exact words, "the most libertarian member of Congress." Thomas Massie, meanwhile, the real hero (to those of us who, unlike my critics, have a complaint or two about Dr. Fauci), is shunned.

A fellow named Elliott Scheirman, who by what I am sure is pure coincidence wrote in support of the lockdowns, is circulating a petition to get my invitation to speak withdrawn."


I wrote this letter to the Libertarian National Committee in response:

"Good afternoon,

I have just gotten the information that someone named Elliot Schneirman has been trying to get Tom Woods' invitation to speak at the 2022 Libertarian National Convention revoked. As someone who has taught in the African American community for 26 years, I will be watching this closely. So will my former, current, and future students. For decades, our clientele here in Mt. Vernon (and in the Bronx before that) has been denied basic civil rights - speech being only one. As one of the bastions of freedom and civil rights, the libertarian community is one of my go-to places to show students what it means to fight for basic freedoms. I have put Tom Woods' material in front of my students for years. They like, respect, and appreciate the sentiments and philosophy he teaches. While not always in agreement with Dr. Woods, students always remark that he has made them think.

To hear that there is someone trying to revoke speech in this arena is disappointing, and darkly comical. I respectfully ask that you pay attention to this matter. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to use the Libertarian Party and introduce it to students as a healthy escape from the ever-tightening grip of the "R" and the "D" parties if such a thing were to come to pass.

It is possible you do not understand who is paying attention. We are not part of blue check Twitter (or Twitter at all for that matter), and we do not pay much attention to politically correct foolishness online. As Ralph Ellison wrote many years ago, we are invisible. We have bigger fish to fry when it comes to freedom. The government-imposed, freedom stifling lockdowns have devastated this community. They have caused drug use to go higher. Two of my top students attempted suicide within the past year, and last week I went to student’s funeral. He was shot and killed in broad daylight. Had he been in school he would be alive today. It is vital that a voice against this kind of wanton government overreach be spoken about. Tom Woods is one of the best critics of these awful policies. Your party and platform should celebrate such people and shun anyone who wants to block someone like Woods.

I hope whatever inertia has gathered behind the movement to revoke Woods' invitation is stifled. To see "The Party of Principle" even consider such a thing is unfortunate. It will have an echo effect in places which you may be unfamiliar."

I doubt this letter will have much of an effect.  SJW's have infested much of the Official Libertarian world, so they'll dismiss it as some rando teacher email.  That's fine.  I (we) will dismiss them them as a legitimate political voice for anything.


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