Monday, June 28, 2021

Plz Don't Riot He Was WHITE

The internet is funny.  Sometimes the memes are so memetastic that I can't tell what's real and what's fake.

Incredibly, this is real:

When the robot historians sift through the rubble of the land mass formerly known as These United States, readers will see things like this and just shake their heads.

Fred Reed has his take on this stuff from his porch in Mexico here.  That link is not for the Normies.

The comments on the Portland Police tweet are amazing.  I have to remind myself that this information came from a first world city in a first world country.  Then I have to remind myself how staggeringly ignorant, clueless, uneducated, and emotionally incontinent the Current American Progressive Liberal is.

Here's the lol part:

The Laker tank top reply is comedy gold.

Lastly, Michael Tracy is doing what reporters used to do.  He's documenting what is happening on the ground in some of the urban areas - reporting on the spiking homicide rates.  It's dangerous, bread and butter reporting:

The disconnect between the 'pundits' and real life has never been greater:

Here's the type of disconnect I see:

"I'm in the bad neighborhood high school - been teaching there for 20 years. We had two empty seats with pictures of students who should have walked the stage and graduated. Both were cut down by bullets in the neighborhood.

Our version of the disconnect you speak of in this article: our guest speaker told our student grads that they shouldn't 'ask' for equity or equality ... those days are over. They should 'demand' equity and equality.

From whom they should demand these things was left unsaid. She was also silent on where these things should happen. My community is bereft of any 'R' leadership or YT leadership. Nonetheless, that was the message to grads

I'll put one label on this post: "Reality Therapy".


Here's how you can help me grift:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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