Sunday, June 27, 2021

Ivermectin Drives People CRAZY

Matt Taibbi has a good article on Ivermectin.  It has a great title too.  I could use some of his headline writing ability:

It's a well written, careful, non partisan article.  Taibbi is on a mission to try to resuscitate 'old style' news, and he's doing a good job.

For example, here's a key paragraph:

"The drug has as a result ended up caught between two political movements — one populist, which believes officials are prone to lying and can’t be trusted, and one anti-populist, which associates theories about unapproved cures with political theories of stolen elections and other crazes. The former movement is sure the pharmaceutical companies are suppressing the drug because it’s been off-patent since 1996 and would imperil billions in revenues for vaccines and $3000-a-pop drugs like remdesivir if proven effective. The latter movement assumes ivermectin advocates are political grifters, cynically riding mistrust of the drug for votes, for headlines, and to undermine the authority of experts."

We learn that because it isn't the Fauci Juice, and Orange Man Bad talked about off label fixes for Stupid 19, the "left" goes bananas anytime something not approved by the Corporate Media and Big Pharma is used, whether it saves lives or not.

Thaddeus Russell tweeted out years ago, regarding Progressives: 'Question Authority' became 'obey experts'.

It's imperative for regular people to ignore Big Tech and Corporate Media.  For anything important, if I want video I go to BitChute, or Odysee.  I'm surprised this is still on YouTube:

While it's behind a paywall, I recommend Taibbi's article, and work in general.  I commented on his article with this:

"I remember when the "left" would go all out to see that patients would be able to end their lives with dignity. They could self diagnose, or have a doctor's terminal diagnosis, and enter death's embrace. 'Death with dignity' they used to call it.

Now, because Orange Man, the "left", in the thrall of Big Pharma, won't let people get inexpensive treatment that has shown to work in many cases.

It's official. The most dangerous species on earth is the idiotic, ignorant, and sanctimonious White Liberal / Progressive. I've never seen anything like it.


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