Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Red Pill Hotel BANS: Masks, Fauci Juice, and Karens

This is the best hotel ever and I want to live in it:

The owner of this place sounds like a boss.  His Twitter profile, before he got banned (naturally) stated: “anti-lockdown,” “anti-woke” “truth-seeker”.

Using some choice rhetoric this hotel has "... issued a ban against guests who wear masks and support vaccination against Covid-19, branding them “sheep” and “woke occultists.”

The gothic rock’n’roll-themed Nightingale Mansion in the village of Shanklin published the anti-lockdown decree on the homepage of its website recently, declaring, “Redpilled guests only! If you are not awake, you are a sheep, and we are not a field for you to graze in!”

It would be difficult for me to do better than that bit of writing.

One lady loved the idea of going to this hotel, until she found out it allowed dogs.  After she cancelled, they called her a 'Karen' and told her to shove her opinions up her arse:

“On the verge of making a booking until I saw that you allow dogs! Aside from the people who are allergic to them, who on earth wants to stay in a room where dogs have been”, protested the woman on Twitter. “No masks – good. Dogs – bad.”

The hotel responded by calling the woman a “Karen” and added bluntly, “If you don’t like dogs, we don’t like you… take your money and your criticism [and] shove it up you’re ass.”

It's difficult to believe that this place is in England, a country that has neutered itself and is now run by, populated by, and destroyed by woke imbeciles.

At one point the British Empire was the Empire upon with the sun never set.  Now it's the Empire upon which the sun never rises.  Maybe they should have this hotel owner take over and run the place.


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