Thursday, May 13, 2021

Charles Darwin Gets CANCELLED

Not for what he said on Twitter, but for other things.  

Vox had this on his blog, and it's a fantastic example of the woke / SJW ethos destroying everything in its path.  It also sets up factions of the 'left' to battle each other.  I love watching them fight.

"Academics have called the guidance 'unhistorical, misleading and authoritarian' "

Where have these 'academics' been?  None of that matters.  Facts and history have never mattered.  It's about feelz and power.  And look at that white face.  Nothing in the historical record matters here, as it is always year zero.  

I have no sympathy for the 'academics' who are upset with this.  Where have you been?  You've sat on the sideline, afraid of being called a name, while the institution has been burning down around you.  Now that one of the Progressive Era Gods (and others as well) is being memory holed ... you're upset?  It's way too late for that.

The destruction fo the West continues:

They had to cancel this guy.  Talking about IQ is simply not done.  All of that DNA stuff as well - whatever "DNA" means.  It has no place on a Campus.  How does "DNA" fit into a university's main focus: Intersectionality?

It doesn't, and your children shouldn't learn about that.  These colonizers have got to go.


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