Monday, May 17, 2021

Read Aloud From An Old BOOK - Get CANCELED

This story has made the rounds:

Professor Lady read from Mark Twain's Puddin'head Wilson.

The day after the class, however, she got an email from a student who said she had to “abruptly” leave the call because of Fischthal’s use of an “inappropriate slur.”

“It was unnecessary and very painful to hear,” the student wrote in the email seen by The Post.

Fischthal apologized to the student in an email and set up a private discussion online about the issue that she titled “Insensitive Language.”

“I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable in the class by using a slur when quoting from and discussing the text,” Fischthal wrote. “Please do share your thoughts.”

"Unnecessary and painful to hear."  Yeah ok.  I'm sure the 'student' has never heard 30 seconds of rap music.

The professor made a huge mistake, right away.  She apologized.

The first rule is, never apologize.  These people aren't interested in an apology.  They want to watch you grovel, bask in your weakness, let it prove your guilt, then get you fired anyway.  Never, ever, apologize.

The university did the weak thing they always do.  They caved and let Prof. Hannah go.

Here's the interesting part.  "“I never thought that would happen to me,” said Fischthal, who is the daughter of Holocaust survivors. “I’m one of the last people who should be accused of racism. I know where it leads and I know where it ends. In every class I teach the evils of stereotyping.”"

This woman, daughter of Holocaust survivors, just got turfed.  You see where I'm going with this?  Where. is the ADL?  Where is the SPLC?  

If she makes a big deal out of this, we'll see some epic woke / SJW battling.  I wonder who will win?


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