Thursday, May 20, 2021

Change the Rules to Fit the NARRATIVE

For decades the idea of 'herd immunity' was one of those sacrosanct concepts put out by the people who are religious about inoculations.  The idea was always to "get to herd immunity" and if you ever talked about anything else, you were yelled at and called anti-SCIENCE! and they tried to kick you out of polite society.

Well, now we got the script rewrite from our overlords.  It's quite incredible really:

Got that?  I can remember being told by the Usual Suspects here in NYC "I believe in Herd Immunity".  The new narrative is that you have to get the Fauci Juice and 'take it on the chin'.  This means even if you don't want to get vaccinated you need to buck up and just do it.  And shut up.

Lastly, here's the other thing.

Now we know that we shouldn't pay attention to the computer models, Although, it was the computer model that said we'd have 5 million deaths that got this whole thing going in the first place.  Now that idea is out.  (Are the Global Warming computer models still OK?)

Basically, if we 'believe' in herd immunity, there's no more SARS remix.  And if we risk it and let people follow computer models, we might not have enough SARS remix going forward.  We can't have that.  The control that the Herd gave up was too delicious and exquisite for our overlords to relinquish.

Hence, the quick dismissal of decades old rules, and here is NPR letting the Normies know what the new rules are.  They'll unthinkingly follow them, as they always do.


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All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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