Friday, April 16, 2021

The Great Reset - EXPLAINED

"James Corbett Explains The Great Reset"

That's really all I need to write - right?

As we saw in the previous post, The Corbett Report has been erased from Youtube.  Not too long before that, Thaddeus Russell had James Corbett on his podcast.  Corbett himself, during the interview, told Russell that he was taking a risk by even having him on and discussing the "Great Reset" and CV1984.

They went and discussed those things anyway.  The entire interview is here.

Both of them have built their own platforms, and escaped the Cult of Free, so they gave Big Tech, Woke Capital, and the SJW's who run those places the middle finger.

As you'll see from this discussion, this is why they don't want guys to get together and talk.  You'll make more connections, see the puzzle more clearly, and understand what is being done to your country, if not the world, from these 10 minutes than you'll get from 10 years of Corporate Media.

You certainly won't get any of this kind of insight from NormieBook or Twitter.

This is why they have to censor and ban:


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