Saturday, April 17, 2021

Non-Fiction Interlude: "3 generations of imbeciles are enough."

So wrote Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in Buck v. Bell, a 1927 Supreme court case upholding a Virginia law that authorized the state to surgically sterilize certain “mental defectives” without their consent. Oliver Wendell Holmes is held up as the pinnacle of American justice, as a heroic figure, a progressive, liberal hero.  And yes, he was a supporter of Eugenics: derived from the Greek word eu ("good" or "well") and the suffix -genēs ("born").  He and his kind are alive and well today. 

For them, believing in God is bad.  Having faith is anachronistic.  But playing God is well and good.  These people are monsters.

They're at it again.

Look at the divisions based on "SCIENCE!!" that they're working overtime on:
  • Mask vs. No Mask.
  • Stabbie vs. No Fauci Juice.
  • Take your temperature going into a small business (but not Target or Wal-Mart).
  • Contact tracing on your phone.
  • Quarantining healthy people, but not looters or rioters.
  • Focused bans on the numbers of people in religious gatherings, but not Big Box Corporate Stores.
  • Schools - OPEN.  Sit at a bar in NYC as of this date: NO.
Here's the most incredible part.  It's based on ... nothing.  Pure hoaxery:

That young woman from Johns Hopkins figured it out in late 2020.  She got memory holed.

They are all Science! based, put in place by the philosophical and intellectual progeny of Charles Darwin and his monstrous half cousin James Galton.

John Taylor Gatto summed it up best here

"In fact, let me tell you that Charles Darwin probably in my calculations, is the premiere mass murder in human history -- not from his Theory of Evolution, but from his book The Descent of Man, published in this country in 1871, in which he informed the wealthy and powerful of this country that if the good breeding stock, the Scandinavian and English blondes, crossbred with Irish or Italians or Spanish, evolution would march backward into the swirling mist of the dawnless past. In other words, it was a responsibility of the leadership class to find a way to restore class systems in our democratic society and to keep the good breeding stock from the bad breeding stocks -- I'm not making that up -- the book I just referred you to is every single library in the United States even though it's 140 years old. What explains its prevalence since I would be certain that not more than one of your listeners out of a thousand has ever read it, perhaps has ever heard of the book -- it led to an explosive growth in elite private boarding schools and elite private day schools in the United States -- the kind of schools that Bill Clinton and his wife sent their daughter to -- there was a Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C.; the kind that George Bush and his father attended; the kind that Franklin Roosevelt attended; the kind that John F. Kennedy attended. How come this interesting fact, that the American political leadership of the left, mind you, sees to it that their own children are schooled a different way. What an immense irony, is it not?"

Notice the same attitude out there now, at least in the 'enlightened' streets of NYC.  If you're maskless outside, or you aren't fighting to get in line for the stabbie, you're part of a group that will send the human race "into the swirling mist of the dawnless past."

It's the same thing.  They never stop.

I like to know the playbook of the Overlords.  This gives you a good introduction:

James Corbett and Thaddeus Russell had a good, and timely,  conversation on the topic:

This is the book you are looking for:

Knowledge is power.  It's all we've got against this Dark Section of the Ruling Class.


My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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