Thursday, April 1, 2021

Asian Man Tells White Liberals to STEP OFF

The modern white liberal is the most offensive offshoot species of the human race.

These 'people' can't think for themselves.  They are status jockeying, virtue signaling, clout chasing and virtue signaling plankton.

I have never seen such easily manipulable minds in my 48 years.  Whatever the Narrative is, they're on it.  They get their thoughts from Social Media, and then, without doing any digging or research, shame others who aren't all in on the Agenda.  My current favorite is the 'getting the CV19 jab' pics on IG.  These are the same people who 2 years ago were screaming about the horrors of Big Pharma and the Sackler family.  

Now that the Narrative is how the vaccines, not FDA approved, created by that selfsame Big Pharma, are the best thing ever; they are ALL IN.  It's amazing to watch.

There's a book called The Human Animal.  Perhaps it should be re-titled The Human Farm Animal.

The latest Agenda Narrative is the increase in violence against 'Asians'.  Do any of these people stop and think?  Do they do any homework?  Do they look up easily available stats?  No.  Of course not.  They are busy virtue signaling to each other and gaining social media status.  

One of these White Liberals called up his Asian friend to virtue signal.  It didn't go well:

"You use our victimhood, turning it into your political gains—whether to infringe on the 2A or keep portraying Trump as that boogeyman. You sided with the rich NBA players over the freedom fighters of Hong Kong. You sided with Disney and NIKE over the lives and the dignity of the Uighurs in western China. You praised Antifa while they harassed and doxxed a gay Asian journalist. You sided with the rioters and looters that stole, robbed, and burned down our shops and businesses all last summer."

This guy has had enough.  Good for him.  The modern white liberal needs to get barked at, mocked, and then ignored.  The Hoteps, Curtis Scoon (his highly recommended twitter account it the source of this article), Jason Whitlock, the SG2 community, the people at locals, and others see it.  It's time you do too.

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All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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