Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Have a Friend with TDS? Send Them HERE to Make it WORSE

Matt Taibbi has done the world a favor.

He has, in one place, put all of the Corporate Media  / Cathedral's Russia!! hoax material.  It is the Rosetta Stone of all the Russia nonsense spewed by the Cabal from when Trump became a serious candidate, to the very end this past January.

The TDS out there is so bad that Joe Scarborough, on a show no one watches, just called out the reporters who told the truth about the Russia hoaxery.  Taibbi issued an open challenge:

Key quote:

"If you’d rather not have me on, I’m sure someone on the more critical side would be happy to walk you through exactly how far short of “right, more often than not” your network has been in the last five years or so. Most of the major outlets were terrible on this story, but MSNBC’s particular brand of suckage was visible from space during the key years of Russiagate. Which I’m happy to lay out for you. Come on — no matter how it turns out, it’ll be great TV!"

We all see people online, particularly on social media, who have TDS.  They're easy to spot.  Even with: the border "challenge"; people in pods (not cages) at 800%+ capacity, gas prices sky high, Middle Eastern war back on the menu, financial crises, Ford plant to Mexico, Keystone pipeline farce, delayed stimmies, and a host of other clown moves, the TDS crowd is still out there with "hey it's not so bad, at least there aren't mean tweets!"

The Russia hoax list linked above is great fodder to link, or copy and paste and use with the people who seem to be relieved that things are 'now OK'.  Remember, it won't change their mind.  Anyone with that bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome  is beyond help (TDS 19?).  

I used to do this kind of thing when I was on TWTR and FB.  At first I tried to speak respectfully and try to get people to think for themselves.  Then I tried to have healthy discussions and debates.  Then I realized that I was having no effect.  Then I did it just to sharpen my rhetorical claws on people's proverbial faces.  Then I got kicked off of TWTR.  Then I deleted both of my FB accounts.

If you have the energy to jump into the mud pile and swing haymakers - the Taibbi list is for YOU.  Good luck out there.

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