Friday, February 5, 2021

Why the r/wallstreetbets Silver Move Failed

 Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the best seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad.  It's a pretty good book.  It isn't the one you want.  The one you want is Cash Flow Quadrant.  It's the one with actionable advice.

For the information in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, just watch one of the YouTube videos on it.  You'll get it in 10 minutes.

In this video, Kiyosaki not only tells you why the silver play failed, but also what his upcoming book is about.  He also talks about the way the country is going, and why he's heavy into gold, silver, and cryptocurrency.  I agree with him.  When we talk about the balkanization of these United States, Kiyosaki's comments about what is going on are a large part of the discussion.  He's particularly on point about the idiocy, ignorance, and outright disgusting nature of much of the university faculty / ethos.

If the universities are miseducating students, and the federal government is doing nonsense like this, then it makes sense to get as much information from someone like Kiyosaki, who has a track record of success.  Store your wealth.  Learn why the Reddit silver play flopped, and listen closely to this guy.  

From YouTube:

"This is an episode of The Pomp Podcast with host Anthony "Pomp" Pompliano and guest, Robert Kiyosaki, an American businessman and author. Kiyosaki is the founder of Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Company, a private financial education company that provides personal finance and business education to people through books and videos. 

His book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, is the number 1 personal finance book of all time. In this conversation, Anthony and Robert discuss the current global economy, why the Fed is a cartel, what every individual needs to understand about finance, where you should put your wealth to protect it, why the little guy is going to get screwed in this financial depression, and Robert even shares a number of Vietnam war stories."

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