Monday, February 1, 2021

Charles Payne Goes OFF on National TV While Paper Silver and Real Silver DISCONNECT

Cavuto had 2 establishment guys on his show on Friday the 29th of January.

Charles Payne, at around 5 minutes in, goes OFF on Gasparino's total inability to unshackle himself from his Establishment Elite position.

Payne goes crazy, and he's justified.  This idea that the retail investors are stupid and need to be corralled in to a small, safe pen, while the Hedge funds go about rigging the market and enriching themselves at everyone's expense is insulting and absurd.  Gasparino doesn't seem to mind the leverage of the Hedge funds, but is somehow offended when the regular people do something that causes hedge fund pain.  

Charles Payne sees it immediately and calls him out on it - loudly. (around 5:00).

Ironically, Gasparino's defense of short sellers at the beginning of this video is correct.  He's 100% right.  Marc Cohodes, David Einhorn, and Jim Chanos have been doing legitimate short selling for years.  They attack fraud and protect investors from danger and predators in the stock market.  Cohodes upset the apple cart so badly that he got a personal visit and threats from the FBI.  He went after top of the pyramid connected fraud and took serious heat.  We want short sellers like Cohodes out there.

This is the best podcast you'll ever hear on the topic.  It tells you the difference between real short sellers, the ones Gasparino talks about at the beginning, and the 'smash and grab' guys getting their asses handed to them courtesy of r/wallstreetbets:

Here's Payne bringing the pain (sorry, I lack discipline):


Meanwhile the silver market is in flux.  Paper silver products are disconnecting from the price of physical silver.

Just to check for myself, I went to APMEX to buy some silver.  Here's the screenshot:

I went to buy, and the price is over $42.00, and the silver will be shipped to me around Mid February, in 2 weeks. 

The proles are restless, and they're not all stupid. Payne is right.  There is clearly a class warfare aspect to this, and it will echo for years to come.

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs like this one here on Amazon. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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