Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Chinese aren't Buying Apples, They're Buying the TREE

All of the leftist tyrants who controlled all aspects of society said the same thing: if they could get the children, they'd rule forever.

It's true.  If you can get young people, you can imprint them with whatever idiotic idea you want - and people will let it go mainstream and eventually cheer for it.

The current Chinese regime seems to understand this.  They aren't going about their business of gaining worldwide influence in the ham fisted 20th century communist way, with camps and guns and tanks.  They're doing it in a much quieter, more efficient way:

It's easy to see how this works.  Get the institutions, let them go hard on the nonsense 'woke' ideology, and then watch the cancer spread.  Destroy the institution.  Then, once you own it, you can do whatever you want with it.  You can keep is as a bastion of intersectionality, rambling and babbling on about microagressions and race 24/7.  

I know a professor at a high dollar university who posts on FB all the time things like: "I make sure to wake up and all day I think about one thing: INTERSECTIONALITY!"  Her posts get tons of likes and 'stunning and brave' style comments.

Or, you can return the school to, or keep is as, an intellectual powerhouse with demanding standards.

Then, you can place your people in the school that is successful.  Here's the amazingly subtle part.  The Chinese are able to do all of this because they don't care about being called 'racist' or 'colonialist', or anything else for that matter.  They already own much of the Dominican Republic.  They're all over both coasts of Africa, and entrenched in South Africa.  They're building a COAL fired power plant, and they're limiting its use to the Chinese.  Think about that last sentence.  Imagine if a US firm built a huge coal plant ... anywhere.  Forget about on the African continent.  Greta would be all over twitter and the hordes of SJW clods would be screaming racist! colonialism! and every other buzzword imaginable.  The US, under Biden, just cancelled a pipeline project.  The Chinese are building coal fired plants.  The link above is only one of six planned.

The Chinese ignore all of the SJW screaming.  It's really that easy.  If more people in the West would take heed and follow their example, maybe the USA would have a chance.  Instead, for whatever reason, blue check twitter has been given limitless power.  It makes no sense. Actually, that's not true.  It makes perfect sense if you're a foreign influence and you want the US to go down.  

Unfortunately, the Woke SJW cancer has spread too far.  The patient has only 10 - 15 years to live.


My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs like this one here on Amazon. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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