Saturday, February 20, 2021

Rush Goes Home

"You are what your record says you are." - Bill Parcells

Rush Limbaugh died the other day of lung cancer.  He was 70.  

I'm glad I'm not on any major social media anymore.  I can only imagine the SJW progressive vitriol and nonsense about his death.  Reveling and sneering while bathing in a non-progressives blood is ok.  I saw it all the time during the decade I wasted on Fakebook.  Clout chasing, virtue signaling, wave riding, status jockeying insects would all pile on the recently deceased non-progressive and say the stupidest, roughest and dumbest things imaginable. 

It was OK with them, because "it's ok when WE do it!"

I saw this manifest when Ted Kennedy died.  If you brought up that he murdered a woman, you were a terrible person, and the Swarm came after you.  The double standards and hypocrisy were incredible.  But they don't care.  It's part of who they are and what they do.

Rush Limbaugh changed drive time radio.  He retired an extremely wealthy man, and got the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  I wasn't a huge listener.  I read The Way Things Ought to Be only a few years ago.  It was pretty good.  I heard him the first time in the early nineties when my cousin drove me to a family reunion.  I was a non political democrat at the time, so I wasn't into it at all.

As I changed, I recognized what Rush had done.  I listened to him during my mainstream conservative phase.  

We see these days if you're on FB or IG, or TWTR, and you're not an SJW progressive roach, you get hammered.  Going into those arenas as a real conservative or libertarian gets you swarmed, destroyed, and cancelled.  Rush went into an entire industry, and did it anyway.  He went completely against the grain.  It's incredible when you think about it.  Additionally, he became less of a neoconservative and more of a true conservative as the years passed and the awful Bush years receded.

Those are some serious headwinds.  One can only imagine the level and number of threats he received.  It must have taken a monumental act of will to continue at times.

The Monster Hunter summed it up well in his concise letter:

"There are a lot of haters out there saying vile things today. But they’re idiots with sad pathetic lives looking for validation from their tribe. What would Rush do about their hate? Use them as a teachable moment and then mock them in an amusing way for the audience. There’s a valuable lesson there for all of us.

The man was brilliant and could articulate things in a way that most people simply can’t. He had that gift where he could take the things that many people were feeling but couldn’t put into words, and then give them a voice. That’s a rare talent. Some might even say on loan from God.

Rest in peace, Mr. Limbaugh."

Agreed.  You are what your record says you are.

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