Tuesday, December 15, 2020

When Defunding Is Not Enough

When Defunding Is Not Enough

We have been hearing a lot the last 7 months about ‘defunding the police’. There is a small, but consistent group of people who have been saying that defunding the police is not the goal – abolishing the police is. When they are asked “well after that then what do we do?” or “who will handle criminals?”, they have cogent answers to all these issues, as well as scathing critiques of law enforcement today. They make the most rabid #BLM protester look mellow.

These people are called Anarchists. The common misconception is that they crave chaos and violence. Nothing could be further from the truth. Anarchy simply means ‘without rulers’. It does not mean ‘without rules’. Another myth is that people will act crazy unless there are rulers, laws, or law enforcement watching your every move. Is there an authority figure watching you right now in the room? If not, why are you quietly reading this and not wylin’ out? This myth is perpetuated in movies like “The Purge”.

Please watch the video below. The key contributor is Michael Malice, and the two quotes that caught my attention were these:

· "Every single law that violates the constitution is a love letter to Santa without men and women in badges willing to enforce them on innocent people.”

· “Every single cop does this knowingly and consciously all the time. Every cop is a criminal, without exception. Many of them are nice people, many of them are smart people, they're all criminals.”

What is your take on Malice’s position? He sees the growing ill will towards police officers as a positive development. Do you agree with him that this is not only a positive development, but that abolishment of the police is the correct goal? Or should it be police reform, as some of the other speakers suggested?

Topics mentioned:

· 2nd Amendment (right to bear arms / own a gun)

· Lockdowns

· Freedom of assembly

· Freedom to run a business

· The TSA – guilty until proven innocent

· Police authority

Be clear in your thoughts please. Place your frame in the last 6 months, as they are talking at this round table about a country where people have had rules placed on them that limit their freedom in ways that have never been done before in the last 50 years of American history.

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