Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Depravity 101 - Nick the Greek Restaurant Owner Goes VIRAL

"I've followed the rules, I continue to follow the rules, and you guys still, time after time, are giving me citations, telling me I have to close my business. What about my employees?"
Van Happen tells the health inspectors that he believes that did not break the rules, as: "I chose to protest by putting my tables outside [...] yet I never served one single person outside. I did all take out food and delivery, exactly what I was supposed to be doing. That's exactly what I did."

Continuing with the trend from the last post, here is the viral video of a restaurant owner in California pleading angrily with a health inspector.  

Remember, this is the same state where Nancy Pelosi can get her hair done without a mask.  Gavin Newsom can dine loudly and closely with a dozen friends at a $1000 a plate menu without a mask.

And yet, this small business owner, someone who has done it right and played by the rules gets harassed.  In a just world, this sniveling worm of a "health" inspector would not be doing this.  

Nick's argument is the same as mine, and ignored in the same way here in NYC.  Target, Costco, Wal Mart - - - they're all ok and open all the time.  At this point, I don't know what it will take for people to see what is right in front of them.

But enough of that.  Let's look at the swanky menu Gavin was able to sample from:

Amazing!  Looks delicious.  Imagine dining inside, maskless, while telling the Proles that they're not allowed to eat inside, outside, or even go outside.  Must be a wild life!

Last point.  Think about this: would you encourage a young person, excited about the food industry, to open a restaurant in a state like NY or CA?  I wouldn't. I would mention Florida, Texas or New Hampshire, but not the Democratic Liberal Hellscape that is a place like NYC or CA.  We are ruled over by depraved filth.


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I also sell custom made mugs like this one here on Amazon.  I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble.

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