Friday, December 4, 2020

Voter Fraud in Georgia. The Media Says Nothing

Imagine if it went the other way.  

Imagine if you had Republican vote counters working illicitly, no one around, for hours - on camera.  You'd hear nothing else for months.  As a matter of fact, you heard "RUSSIA!!" for years, even though there was never any evidence of Russian 'hacking' the election whatsoever.

Now there is video proof of, at minimum, election workers breaking the chain of custody, at most, outright election fraud.

Corporate media, the Cathedral, the MSM - whatever name you like, won't say anything about it.  So I will.  So will these people:

"The Georgia election was stolen for Joe Biden. That is the only viable conclusion one can come to after seeing what was presented for the first time during the Georgia legislature hearings Thursday morning. In it, we see voter fraud happening before our eyes.

Attorney Jackie Pick presented video evidence that Georgia election officials in that State Farm Arena tabulation center instructed press and ballot observers to leave around 10:20 pm on election night because counting was going to stop until the morning. We can see the observers leave while four people stayed behind doing nothing. Once the observers were gone, the four ballot counters sprung into action, pulling boxes of ballots from under their tables to continue counting.

In another part of the video, we see suitcases full of ballots brought in to be counted with no witnesses present. According to Pick, the counting machines can tabulate around 3,000 votes per hour. With four people working and over two hours to count “votes” without observers or press present, they could have added at least 24,000 fraudulent votes to the total. Currently, the margin of victory in Georgia is around 12,500."

Twitter: "This claim about election fraud is disputed".  That's the Power Elite at work right there.  These are historical times.  In the school business we call it a "Teachable Moment".

It's unbelievable.  The country should have stopped when that video came out.  Instead, it's been "Fact checked" by absurd outfits like Snopes.  Even though you can watch it happen, and have it explained to you here on Youtube as well.....

Look at how 'Snopes' describes the situation.  If you're still using Snopes as a source, perhaps this will change your mind:

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