Sunday, December 6, 2020

Stanford U. Doctor Says Cure is Worse Than the Disease

 This is the perfect Sunday Morning read.  

Jay Bhattacharya is an interesting man.  He is a medical doctor, and he has a Ph. D. in economics.  His credentials are impressive.  What's also impressive is that he isn't screaming from the rooftops, or burning people on Twitter.  I think I would be doing those things.  I would be completely frustrated that lives are being destroyed or lost because people are mindlessly following talentless, venal politicians.

Bhattacharya explains that the response to COVID has been awful.  Lockdowns are a mistake, and herd immunity is not only achievable, it is the way to go.  As I write this, Los Angeles has just instituted another lockdown, and forbade its own people to go out walking.

This is not only stupid, it will hurt more than it will help.

Lockdowns are ruining people worldwide.  If you're still in favor of lockdowns, you must not have a problem with 130 million children dying of starvation.

Does that sound inflammatory?  Is the divisive rhetoric too much for you?  If it is, then why are you OK with Corporations telling everyone that if you're concerned about the economy, you're a heartless goblin who only wants money and is OK with killing grandma?  That's what they said.  It's what they're saying now.  Why does the criticism only go one way?

Now I know why Tom Woods called his talk "The Covid Cult".

The link above will get you to Bhattycharya's article.  He's a brave, smart scientist.  It's time that they're heard.  Maybe actually listening to 'the science' will work. Instead, we're getting an amazing lesson in how the Elite control the masses.

Do your part.  Spread the word.

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