Thursday, December 17, 2020

Online School Sucks - I'd Rather HOMESCHOOL Says STUDENT

I did an informal survey during today's "snow day".  We were tasked with intruding on our students' divine right of snow day and getting them to do some kind of schoolwork instead of letting them be.

Here was my question:

"We have been doing virtual learning for 9 months. In your opinion, is it better or worse than being in school? Think about all the things about school before you answer. If you had to do one or the other for the rest of High School, which would it be - remote or in the building?"

I have 9th and 12th graders, so the answers have been interesting.  Here is one of the best ones so far.  I'll be sharing over the next few days.  (It's 85/15 for going back to school and ending virtual learning).

This one is top 5, maybe top 3 when this is all said and done:

"In my opinion, this whole online school BS is not worth my mental health. This is ten times-no ... one hundred times worse than being in that building called hell. I completely missed out on my ninth grade year, missed out on half my 11th-grade year, and am missing my entire 12th-grade year. That doesn’t quite seem like the ideal high school experience now does it? I would rather swim with sharks than do the online learning nonsense ever again. If something like this happens when I’m older, I’m not EVER going to put my child through this. I’d rather homeschool them myself. I haven’t learned ANYTHING since the pandemic. I’m still in an 11th-grade mentality! How am I supposed to go to college when I can’t even hand in my assignments on time when I’m at home 24/7. I know you see how I’m slacking in your class and I am so sorry. This is a product of both my procrastination as well as my being at home 24/7 (the pandemic). It has created a monster. Happy holidays!"

"I'd rather homeschool them myself..." That caught even me by surprise....  This young black woman intuitively recognizes that Online Public School is the lowest common denominator there is.  Even with the stigma attached to homeschooling, she places this online virtual school even lower.  The freedom of homeschooling has been catalyzed among the teens of today.  

This is a good thing.

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