Friday, December 18, 2020

Introduction to Egyptian Mythology – the Osirian Cycle

I introduce Mythology a little differently than others. Here's the approach to Egyptian Mythology:

What are the Egyptian myths and how have they transcended time?

Please answer (30 points): “The Osirian Cycle” represents a life cycle. Please answer:
  1. Explain the term ‘life cycle’ and if possible, how would you symbolize, or draw it?
  2. How does a life cycle look and what does it mean? What shape does it take?
  3. How are the myths of the world and of ancient times still relevant today? Where do we see their remnants – either in words or in symbols?

Words and concepts to consider as symbols – Please annotate the text and link the words to the text. (Page 1 of the Osirian Cycle):

· Darkness

· Sun

· Mother figures

· The scribe – recorder

· The Serpent

· Water / rivers / agriculture

· 72

· The hunger for power
Videos for further analysis:
Over the weekend: Begin reading “The Osirian Cycle” (see attached) and note the characters and the events. The story will draw parallels to the stories, myths and religions of today.

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