Friday, December 11, 2020

NY Moves to Close Indoor Dining Again - Why Do People Listen?

The most thin skinned governor in United States history (D-NY) will probably ban indoor dining again. 

Here are factors that don't seem to matter, and I'll write them off the top of my head:

  • The working class will suffer.
  • The immigrant community is being economically decimated.
  • The communities that can least afford it are being ruined.
  • Wealthy fund managers can work from home, no problem.
  • Tenured six figure earning public school teachers (like me) can work from home, no problem.
  • Managing Directors of all the major banks can work from home, no problem.
  • Waiters and dishwashers cannot.
  • You can still go to Target whenever you want and they're open til midnight.
  • Amazon still delivers.
  • Wal Mart is having a great Corona era.

Of course what is never asked by any of the disgusting Corporate Media is this: if we have had mask mandates, lockdowns, closed restaurants and limited seating in restaurants, and it hasn't worked... why are we doing this again?  

It should be apparent that the agenda isn't to keep anyone 'safe', but to maintain control and destroy the small business economy.  While doing this, large corporations and corporate donors are grabbing market share and capital.  

One would think that leftist progressive New Yorkers would be outraged that all the major corporations are having a field day during these times, but they don't.  They're told to Mask up! and Stay safe! and fear mongered about 'cases' and the numbers in ICU.  It works because the dim D voting New York City native knows only to listen and obey government officials.  They can't seem to think past the first step.

Adam Carolla was discussing this the other day.  He asks here, and in other podcasts, why people follow with such mule headed obedience?  I could have told him - they learn it in school.  12 years of obeying authority, of having independence pounded out of you works wonders.  

It's how you get this:

Here's the Carolla podcast.  I listen to it regularly.


My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs like this one here on Amazon.  I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble.

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