Friday, December 11, 2020

Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness - BANNED TED TALK

Seeing that we're in the spirit of censorship and banning, I might as well bring up an old favorite.  I assigned this to the 12th graders today.  They are mystified at the level to which small minded 'adults' will go to stifle opinions.  They see how ridiculous it all is, especially now.  This video is seven years old.


Here is the other BANNED TED talk I had mentioned earlier.

This talk was on the same day as 'The Science Delusion' talk by Rupert Sheldrake that we saw earlier. Hancock talks about altered states of conciousness, ancient shamanistic hallucinogens from ancient times, the current scourge of prescription drugs, and other topics as well. This talk was banned / censored after it was finished, and Sheldrake and Hancock had to work to get it reinstated.

Originally I thought that perhaps his mentioning cannabis was the issue, but there are thousands of videos, movies, shows, songs that mention it and they aren't censored. As a matter of fact, we would think it quite silly if they were. As you will see, Hancock is a soft spoken guy, a journalist with eclectic interests ... initially it's difficult to see why this was censored.

Think about these things and then answer the following please. As usual, question #4 is the one I'm most interested in.
  1. What was his talk about?
  2. What questions did it raise?
  3. What did he do that was effective? Ineffective?
  4. In your opinion, why was it banned by TED Talks?


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