Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Todd Willingham Case as a Lens into Today

Cameron Todd Willingham was executed for a crime he didn't commit.

The Cameron Todd Willingham case from the early 1990’s is a lens into the flawed human condition. We have looked over the case as part of our “Justice in the USA” unit. The end of the story is this: the government of Texas killed an innocent man. In this horror story, you’ll see the wretched ways people act. You’ll have the displeasure of seeing how people put political agendas and image ahead of justice and the truth. You’ll see how preconceived notions will allow people to have no conscience when it comes to putting someone to death. 

Because Cameron Todd Willingham was seen as a piece of human trash, the system saw to it that he was expendable. Who would stand up for a mullet wearing, unemployed, violent wife beater? In fact, there were people who came to his defense, but they were not powerful enough to stop this tragedy. Even after his death, there are those involved who, despite the scientific evidence presented, refuse to alter their beliefs about Willingham’s guilt. 

Unfortunately, this story provides a lens into today’s clown world. The rejection of science. The triumph of feelings and emotions over logic and reason – these are things that rule the day today. Go onto social media and stress to people the scientific fact that there are only two genders. The same mindset that sent Willingham to his death, despite the scientific evidence provided by the heroic Dr. Gerald Hurst, will get you banned and / or punished by The Unthinking Herd. Because everyone knows there are 72 genders … or none at all. 

Prepare for an irrational world, filled with small minded irrational people.

The Nightline link is here:

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