Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Major developments in key states | Sidney Powell - Election 2020 Update

 I had read the name Sidney Powell, but I didn't know who she was.  I know now.

In this video clip, she explains the developments going on with the 2020 Election, and the fraud that is quickly becoming exposed.

None of this is on Corporate Media.  It is astounding how corrupt and despicable the major networks have become.  

Vox Day said it well on his site: "Frankly, I don't see any reason to even begin to pay attention to it (the MSM and its demoralization campaign) until Kamala Harris resigns her Senate seat."

The information here will amaze you.  Powell estimates that Trump got 80 million votes.  She seems like a determined, smart woman.  I'm amazed at her calm demeanor.

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