Wednesday, November 18, 2020

John Oliver is a Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorist

This is clip is great for many things.

From YouTube: "John Oliver discusses how voting machines work, how they don’t, and how we can fix them."  It was posted on November 3rd, 2019.

In this clip with 5 million views, John Oliver talks about Dominion voting machines, and how insecure and terrible they are.  Hmmmm.  Is he some sort of Far Right Wingnut conspiracy theorist?  So strange.

At 10 minutes in he specifically talks about  ..... Georgia's voting machines.  Pennsylvania was highlighted on his "Problem Map".  Don't you see it people?  The Russians, and here in Trump's America - we've got a bunch of rubes and dadbods running the show!! LOL!  Such a hackable thing these elections!!


All of that stuff is now null and void.  Only people who belong on a list think these things.  the John Olivers of the world are telling you now it was the cleanest election, without fraud in any way.  The press corps has already called the election.  Have you noticed that Russia!! is nowhere to be found?  I have.

Class, let's review:

  • They think you're stupid.
  • They hate you.
  • They think your way of life is anachronistic and stupid.
  • They assume you don't know how to use the internet.
  • They want you to live like a serf.
  • They are in power and have control, and if you're unfree, that's OK.
  • They can tell you opposite things and you'll believe both.
  • They can manage your life, you can't.
  • They're better than you.
  • You are cattle.

It's difficult for me to get across in words how deep their disgust for you is.  I typed the above list off of the top of my head, and it doesn't do it justice.  The way they talk to you, the way they treat you, especially during this plandemic, shows that you, to them, are a cockroach.

I know how it sounds, and I take some abuse for my rhetoric, but the below clip is only a small amount of proof.  The 2020 election is another huge chunk of proof.  There are millions of Americans who laughed like crazy at the John Oliver clip I have below, and are now solemnly nodding their heads at how 'clean' this election was.  That's why the top of the pyramid has such disgust for us proles.  Why wouldn't they when they can pull off stupidity like this and get away with it?

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