Sunday, November 22, 2020

Corporate Media's Demoralization Campaign and Alternate Universe

When the Russia! hoax was going on (remember that?) the Corporate Media accused those who didn't believe Adam Schiff and Rachel Maddow of living in an "alternate universe".

The same thing is playing out now.  What I have done to be successful in following the news and politics is divorce myself from Corporate Media. What they do, and all they do, is maintain the Narrative and Demoralize the opposition.  The few left leaning people who see it are: 

  • Caitlin Johnstone
  • Matt Taibbi
  • Glenn Greenwald
  • Michael Tracey

The Election 2020 Fraud Event is the perfect lens to see who stands where philosophically.  Those who are maintaining the Narrative and demoralizing the opposition are easy to spot.  They are saying that Trump's followers are crazy, living in an 'alternate universe', and denying reality in every way.

Because I have no allegiance to a political party or Corporate Cathedral media outlet, I just unsubscribed on YouTube from Fox News, and subscribed to NewsMax.  NewsMax seems to be following the news, whereas Fox is now adhering to a Narrative.

There are court cases going on, and I'd like to know what DJT's lawyers are saying. Fox isn't telling me.  NewsMax is.  It's that simple.  I don't need anyone to tell me that I'm in 'denial' or a 'wing nut' or that I'm living in an "alternate universe'.  

From the ZeroHedge link above:

"On Monday, in her MSNBC show, “Deadline”, Nicolle Wallace said that “right wing media”, like Fox were creating an “alternate reality” for their viewers. Nicolle said, “You now have a true, a true alternate reality… I mean, they are pumping flagrant lies into millions of viewers. They’re interviewing lunatics..” Nicolle’s guest, the brilliant Al Sharpton (of Tawana Brawley hoax fame) said, “We’re now in a nation where facts don’t matter. You make up facts. And not only do you have an alternative reality, how do you debate someone that is dealing with a totally fictitious premise?"

That's all Narrative. Bryce Buchanan of The Burning Platform sees exactly what I do.  Look at the boogeyman, "Fox".  Look at how Al Sharpton is propped up as an authority.

These are the same people who pumped Russia!, the Mueller Report, Impeachment, WMD, the invasion of Libya.... it's a long, destructive, stupid list.  Michael Malice calls them the 'Cathedral' and 'the Enemy of the People'.  He's right.  Trump calls them 'Fake News'.  He's right.

Why would you listen to anything they say - ever - on any topic.  

There are 2 reasons why I get a lot of traction teaching HS English in the Bad Neighborhood.  I treat everyone with dignity and respect out of the gate, and I show them how to have opinions that are their own.  

Teaching people how to think is infinitely more important than teaching them what to think.

Here is Trump's lead counsel talking about what she's doing on the election fraud front. It's news, and it is for YOU to process.  Let me give you a quick visual example of what I'm talking about on YouTube:

Since when does the Associated Press "call" an election? Here is the part where they think you are an ignorant, stupid, wretched, mouth breathing contemptible moron: 

These are the people who told you that elections, particularly the election of 2016, are 'hackable' and that you shouldn't pay attention to the results.  The MSM did that for 4 years.  Remember reading the phrase "the election was hacked?"  I do.  

Only someone incapable of independent thought would listen to them.

Think for yourself. Write your own script.

Here is Sidney Powell, in her own words:

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