Monday, November 23, 2020

All Schools Should be Open

One of the Progressive sacred cows is Public School.  That's why the Covid Cult Era is so fascinating, as the leaders of the Progressive Hive Mind are willing to sacrifice public school on the altar of The Novel Coronavirus.

It's now obvious to anyone that closing schools not only destroys whatever progress is made intellectually, but also hurts those in the neediest neighborhoods.  Even The NY Times, which isn't a news source anymore, veered off The Narrative to say that CV19 isn't a threat to young people and schools should stay open.

Homeschooling, the bete noir of the Ruling Class, has exploded in popularity.  You'd think this independent streak would shake the elites into changing course a bit, but no.

Here is Zeke Emanuel, a truly strange person, tossing his previous opinions into the wind, reversing course, and saying that we should be locked down even more.  How do these people reach the top?  

"The school closures are disproportionately harming African-American and Hispanic students, and other lockdown measures fall hardest on low-income workers who can’t do their jobs from home, as was repeatedly pointed out by Trump and the researchers he consulted, like Scott Atlas of the Hoover Institution. Atlas, whose calculations show that the social costs of lockdowns exceed the benefits, calls them “a luxury of the rich.” But despite Biden’s professed concern for reducing inequality, he has not urged schools and businesses to remain open. While he says that he will not impose a national lockdown, his advisory board is dominated by public-health professionals eager to impose still more costly restrictions.

One board member, Ezekiel Emanuel of the University of Pennsylvania, used to be renowned for his devotion to cost-benefit analysis. He was an architect of Obamacare, including its controversial board (denounced by critics as a “death panel”) empowered to contain medical costs by limiting expensive treatments. He has advocated allocating medical resources according to a “complete lives system” that “prioritizes younger people who have not yet lived a complete life.” In a 2014 essay, written when he was 57, Emanuel said that once he reached 75 he would refuse most medical treatments, even simple ones like antibiotics, because he did not want to endure the diminished quality of life that comes with old age.

But once Covid became a campaign issue this year, he quickly recalibrated. The median age of Americans dying of Covid is close to 80, but Ezekiel wants to protect them with what is surely the most expensive (and least proven) medical intervention in history. The lockdowns so far have cost trillions of dollars, but Ezekiel dismisses them as inadequate because they have lacked “staying power.” He has advocated an eight-week national lockdown and a national mandate to wear masks, and he doesn’t expect vaccines to make a difference anytime soon. If all goes well, he says, schools might reopen next fall."

Something is unique about this Covid business, when our Rulers are willing to dump on the black neighborhood, and allow homeschooling to gain market share.

Schools should open in the Fall of 2021?  These people are truly sick.  How disconnected to real people to you have to be to even say that publicly?  'Lockdown Addicts' is the perfect term.

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