Tuesday, September 8, 2020

How Long Will They Maintain The Narrative?

The 'get woke go broke' monster is back.

From Outkick: "The NBA’s two-year ratings tank just took tanking up another notch. As pointed out last night, year-over-year, the first round of the playoffs was down an eye-popping 27%. Furthermore, the first round’s 1.94 million average is down 40% from two seasons ago, the last time LeBron James participated in the playoffs."

The funny part of all of this is that the bubble dwelling (in all aspects) citizens of the NBA are trying to spin the situation every way they can.  Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, and David Aldridge, ESPN reporter, are working to spin the situation by pointing out the games that do reasonably well.

No one is buying their spin, and no one is buying the product.

Here's the question I have, and it pertains to sports as well as NYC and its bizarre and stupid CV19 bans still in place.

How long will the Power Elite hold on to the "it's a Pandemic!" Narrative?  We all know there are no numbers to support it anymore.

They're losing money hand over fist.  Regarding NYC, the restaurant lobby and the commercial real estate lobby practically run the city.  Why aren't they complaining?  Apparently there's a 300 restaurant, $2 billion class action lawsuit that just got started.  What took so long?  Where are the big shot real estate guys?  Who will fill all the new offices in the monstrous skyscrapers newly built over the Hudson Yards?  Or the ones in Queens?

You should understand that all of this has to do with politics.  They want Orange Man out.  But NYC isn't going to vote of DJT anyway, so why practice the old, outdated trick of 'if people are unhappy they vote for change'?

Whose minds are they trying to change?

Maybe the Covid inertia is too strong to stop.  They've worked everyone into a frenzy, and now the locomotive is running like a runaway out of control, with the brakes burnt off.

But while they're all playing this crazy political game, the cash hemorrhaging continues.  Anyone looking to move here so they can deal with riots, shootings and garbage?

I didn't think so.

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