Thursday, September 10, 2020

Clay Travis Steamrolls the Washington Post

Jeff Bezos' blog interviewed Clay Travis and Jason Whitlock. In interviewing Travis, you see how limited the 'experts' are. Travis, knowing that WaPo was going to produce a predetermined narrative, recorded the conversation. This exposed some amazing things about the Washington Post and who its reporters are. The 'experts' are more limited and conversationally challenged than you might imagine. 

The WaPo reporter sounded like a scared 7th grader, unsure of how to ask questions. He was also mesmerized and rabid about wanting to know how much money Outkick and the people running it are making. 

My supposition is that people in SJW Corporate Media simply cannot understand that their product is despised, and their worldview is sick.  Why is it they are hemorrhaging money, in the thrall of a tech billionaire, and Outkick is printing money in its basement?

You can hear how lost, delusional and unprepared the WaPo writer is here. Clay Travis totally dominates the guy.  The people directing The Narrative are simply not up to the task.  If you needed more evidence that the Corporate Media Rulers are not only venal, but unqualified, the Travis / Wapo link above will seal the deal.  I was shocked and amazed.

Naturally, the WaPo wrote a cloddish hit piece.  Unsurprisingly, its behind a firewall.  Good luck with that WaPo.

#outkick #claytravis #jasonwhitlock

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